GROUNDBREAKING Hydrogen Stocks Are Here!
(NewsDirect) News Commentary: Withhuge investment pouring in from governments and companies around theworld, hydrogen is set to play a huge role in the future of energy. Assuch, emerging green hydrogen technologies represent a majoropportunity for investors. This article discusses the topic withreference to innovators like Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ:BLDP) , Linde PLC (NYSE:LIN) , Bloom Energy Corp (NYSE:BE) and Jericho Energy Ventures (TSXV:JEV) (OTC:JROOF) .
According to the International Energy Agency, the gas is light,storable, energy-dense, and produces no direct emissions of pollutantsor greenhouse gases. It's properties like these which haveconvinced several companies to put their efforts behind the energysource. Ballard Power Systems is handing the power of hydrogengeneration to a wide range of transit businesses with its solutions.Meanwhile, Linde PLC is a major generator of hydrogen and has used itsexpertise to develop a variety of new applications. Finally, BloomEnergy is creating new power generation products with a twist.
Jericho EnergyVentures (TSXV:JEV) (OTC:JROOF) is right at the cutting edge of hydrogen technology. Unlikemany hydrogen players, this small cap is largely concerned withsupplying green hydrogen solutions, rather than generation. Theseinclude its cutting-edge, zero-emission DCC™ hydrogen-fueled steamboiler, which targets the underserved industrial and commercialmarkets. As a rare solution, it offers businesses a preciousopportunity to decarbonize their operations by binning traditionalboilers for a clean alternative. This new technology is alreadyattracting customers too. Just this week, it was announced that a topUS University will deploy a DCC™ boiler within its district heatsystem. JEV CEO, Brian Williamson, said the deal demonstrated growingdemand for decarbonizing solutions in the industry. Proof of conceptwith new customers like this could lead to some major wins for thecompany! This potential might be why some analysts are already brandingthis stock a BUY .
Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ:BLDP) are experts in fuel cell technology with a particular focuson making transit clean and green. The company makes a variety ofheavy-duty modules for buses, trucks, trains and ships. This sees thecompany receive orders for a wide variety of applications, with arecent win resulting in the business agreeing to supply 60 hydrogenfuel cells for use in zero-emissions mining trucks. The company'sinnovation is continual too, with a current major focus on creating aproduct which is as cost-effective as possible. An announcement fromJune confirmed that the business intends to scale production of itsnext generation, proprietary graphite bipolar plates. This process,which will significantly reduce plate materials while enablinghigh-power density stacks, is expected to result in cost savings of upto 70%. This innovative approach could make the company's productsmore affordable and thus more attractive to customers.
European chemicals giant Linde PLC (NYSE:LIN) is another company taking an innovative and leading approachto the hydrogen opportunity. It's one of the world's largestproducers of industrial gases, so getting in on the hydrogen gamemakes sense. Generating clean hydrogen is one of this business'skey projects, with plans to bring its Niagara Falls hydrogenproduction plant online in 2025. This plant will produce cleanhydrogen through electrolysis, with the chemical reaction beingpowered by renewable hydroelectricity. The company has achieved someworld firsts beyond production too, with this year seeing theannouncement of the first-ever hydrogen ferry. The MF Hydra, whichtransports both cars and passengers in Norway, started commercialoperations in March with a fuel containment system built, developedand installed by the chemicals giant.
Bloom Energy Corp (NYSE:BE) is another expert in fuel cell technology. This company hasconstructed the Bloom Energy Server, which it says allows for moreefficient clean hydrogen generation through the use of its solid oxidetechnology. This focus on efficiency has seen several impressive featsfrom the company, including the unveiling of the world's largestsolid oxide electrolyzer installation at NASA's Ames ResearchCenter, which began generating hydrogen in May of this year. Thecompany's technology has wide-ranging applications too. Theseinclude recent deployment in the marine market, with the companyhaving announced in March that its fuel cell technology increased theelectrical efficiency on a working luxury cruise ship, both in portand at sea. The business will be hoping that this attempt todemonstrate the viability of its fuel cell technology for a newmarket, bringing new customers through the door.
There are clearly manyexciting innovations to come from the rapidly growing hydrogen energyspace. Major players like Ballard Power Systems, Linde and BloomEnergy are busy perfecting the way in which hydrogen energy isgenerated and stored, thus rapidly increasing the availability ofgreen hydrogen. Meanwhile, businesses like Jericho seek to develop newhydrogen technologies to solve real-world problems and help customersto reduce emissions with this increasing supply of cleanhydrogen.
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